Matthew 22, 2019
“Pastor Dave, what did Jesus mean in Matthew 24:22 when he said ‘those days will be shortened’ for the ‘elect’s sake’”?
When Jesus said that “those days will be shortened” for the “elect’s sake,” He was undoubtedly teaching the future Tribulation would be shortened for the sake of preserving the Jews from complete annihilation. This doesn’t mean that future period of time will be shorter than three-and-a-half years, but it will be quickly terminated by Christ’s second coming.
As Hal Haller confirms: “The terminology refers to the preservation of Israel (i.e., the elect) to the end of the Tribulation… God will shorten that time of genocidal persecution so that Israel’s persecutors will be unable to destroy her.” In other words, Daniel and Jesus were teaching that God would shorten the Tribulation to preserve the Jewish remnant who will come to faith during the Tribulation (Lev 26:40-42; Deut 4:29-31; 30:6-8; Is 53:1-9; 59:20-21; Jer 3:11-18; Ezek 36:25-27; 37:1-14; Joel 2:28-32; Zech 12:10-13:2; Matt 24:30; Rom 11:26-27; Rev 1:7). This coming to faith is a “prerequisite” for Christ’s Second Coming (cf. Matt 23:37-39). So, when Jesus refers to the days being “shortened,” God ordained that the 2nd half of the future Tribulation (called the “Great Tribulation”) not exceed 3 ½ years. That was the allotted time that was determined by God’s decree.
Israel is called God’s “elect” in Isaiah 45:4. The church is also called the “elect” in Colossians 3:12, but the context in Matthew 24 refers to Israel, not to the church. Context is always key! I agree with Warren Wiersbe, “this entire paragraph (vv. 15-22) relates only to Jews, for no Christian believer would worry about breaking a Sabbath law.”
Sources Used
Constable, Thomas. “Matthew.” <>
Figart, Thomas O. The King of the Kingdom of Heaven: A Commentary on Matthew. Grace Gospel Press, 2016, 460.
Haller, Hal M. “Matthew.” The Grace New Testament Commentary, 1:112.
Lazar, Shawn. Chosen to Serve: Why Divine Election Is to Service, Not to Eternal Life. Grace Evangelical Society.
Wiersbe, Warren W. The Bible Exposition Commentary. 2 vols. Scripture Press, Victory Books, 1989, 1:88.