February 12, 2020
Paul set apart from the womb in Gal 1:15?
Paul’s purpose in Galatians 1:15-17, was to expand on what he wrote in Gal 1:1 that his apostolic work didn’t come from men or a man, but from Jesus Christ (also see Rom 1:1). Also, notice the major contrast between 1:15-17 and 1:13-14.
If we go a bit wider, in Gal 1:11-17 Paul’s purpose is also to answer opponents who have proclaimed a “different gospel” (1:6) which was undermining his apostolic authority (1:1). In these verses, Paul effectively argued that his gospel, like his apostleship, wasn’t received from a human source but directly from God.
This verse doesn’t teach unconditional divine election, but it says that God separated Paul from his mother’s tomb for a particular task, to be the spokesman for the gospel to the Gentiles. So, even before Paul was born, God had his eye on him and set him apart for his important apostolic ministry. This is very similar to several OT passages that refer to prophets who were set apart from the womb for their future tasks (e.g., Is 49:1-6; Jer 1:4-5; for a similar idea, see also Gen 25:23; Ps 71:6; Is 44:2; and Luke 1:5-17).
See my post from August 23, 2019 (page 135 in the Word document containing all of my questions and answers) about Jeremiah 1:5.
Sources Consulted
Anders, Max. Galatians-Colossians. Vol. 8. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999. Holman New Testament Commentary.
Arichea, Daniel C., and Eugene Albert Nida. A Handbook on Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. New York: United Bible Societies, 1976. UBS Handbook Series.
Baird, William. “Visions, Revelation, and Ministry: Reflections on 2 Cor 12:1–5 and Gal 1:11–17.” Journal of Biblical Literature 104 (1985): 651-662.
Boles, Kenneth L. Galatians & Ephesians. Joplin, MO: College Press, 1993. The College Press NIV Commentary.
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