Apr 2, 2019
Eternal Security Part 9
“Dave, what about all the passages that appear to teach that a person can lose eternal salvation?”
Helpful Tips for Interpreting Passages That Seem to Teach Eternal Salvation Can Be Lost
First, they must be interpreted in accord with the context that considers the spiritual state of the readers and the purpose of the author (for example, a simple study of the contexts surrounding difficult passages like Galatians 5:4 or Hebrews 6:4-6 shows that the author is addressing believers to motivate them to Christian maturity).
Second, they must be consistent with the overarching plan of God to bless us eternally by His grace (Rom 4:16; Eph 1:3-14).
Third, they must harmonize with the consistent teaching of justification by grace through faith alone apart from works or any other merit (For example, the teaching of justification by faith not works in Romans 3-4 is so clear that it should govern our interpretation of the more difficult passage about “faith without works is dead” in James 2:14-26).
Fourth, some of these passages are referring to a loss of reward, not loss of eternal life (for example, 1 Cor 3:11-15; 9:24-27).
Fifth, some of these passages refer to God’s discipline of believers in this life (for example, Pss. 32:3- 4; 51:7-13; 1 Cor 11:30).
Sixth, some of these passages relate to the conditions and consequences of discipleship, not salvation from hell (for example, Luke 9:23-26; 14:26; John 15:6).
Too often Christians will read these questionable passages through the interpretive lens of saved/ unsaved or heaven/ hell. You can see that other options render a more accurate and meaningful interpretation.
Source Used
Bing, Charles C. Simply by Grace: An Introduction to God’s Life-Changing Gift (pp. 61-62). Kregel Publications.