May 5, 2020
Does Romans 7:18, 24 teach the spiritual inability of an unbeliever?
Some use these verses to support the position that unbelievers are paralyzed with inability. Like all Scripture, Romans 7 and Galatians 5 should be interpreted contextually. Since these passages describe a believer struggling with his flesh (sin nature)—sometimes winning and sometimes losing in this struggle — obviously, believers are not paralyzed with inability.
The following eight arguments give more detail to indicate that in Romans 7 Paul speaks of himself as a believer:
• The change of tenses from Romans 7:7-13 to Romans 7:14-25.
• Paul says that the law is spiritual and that he agrees it is good (7:14, 16).
• He hates sin (7:15); he wills/desires to do God’s will and delights in the law of God (7:15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22). Based upon what Paul says elsewhere regarding the unregenerate, such a desire is not a characteristic of unbelievers. The mindset of the flesh is at enmity with God (Romans 8:7). Unbelievers do not instinctively understand nor seek God (Romans 3:11).
• He knows that Jesus Christ is the solution to the power of sin in his life (7:25a) and he longs for final deliverance. His wretched man’s cry in 7:24 expresses desire rather than despair.
• He serves God with his mind (7:25b).
• As mentioned earlier, the similarity between Romans 7:14-25 and Galatians 5:16-18 favors the post-conversion view.
• The duality between the two “I”s favors the post-conversion view.
• The last argument is explained well by Andy Woods when he wrote, “Another post-conversion argument involves observing the structure of the letter. Chapters 5-8 all concern the various aspects of the believer’s new life in Christ. Romans 7:14-25 appears to continue with this theme by demonstrating the law’s inability to sanctify the believer. It would seem odd if 7:14-25 was not pertinent to the believer’s life but was instead about life without Christ.”
Sources Used
Meisinger, George E. “The Issue of One’s Ability to Believe: Total Depravity/ Inability.” Chafer Theological Seminary Journal Volume 11.1 (2005): 65-96.
Woods, Andy. “Romans 7 and Sanctification.” Chafer Theological Seminary Annual Pastor’s Conference. March 7-9, 2011, pp. 8-11.