December 16, 2019
Could you please give a summary of Ezekiel 38-39?
In these two crucial chapters, Gog of the land of Magog and his allies attack Israel from the uttermost north (the timing of this event has been debated by scholars) for several reasons: (1) because of greed – to take the wealth of Israel, the “spoil” (gold, silver, livestock, and goods) from the land – Ezekiel 38:2, 5-6, 12-13; (2) during this time, Israel will be a strategic country to control since it is the land bridge and the nerve center of communication between the three continents of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Israel’s location is indeed very strategic; (3) this evil coalition of nations will need access to the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean seaports year-round for trade to improve their economies; (4) the Dead Sea is one of the richest chemical beds in the world. It contains large quantities of potash, bromine, magnesium, and other treasures; (5) and Israeli scientists discovered in the water and salt flats of the Dead Sea the halophilic alga Dunaliella, which can be converted into petroleum. As Edgar James explains, “it is possible that huge ‘oil farms’ may develop in areas south of the Dead Sea where the water could be channeled into saltwater ponds for the growing Dunaliella.
1. This coalition is made up of countries which today include Turkey, the former Soviet Muslim Republics, Iran, Sudan, and Libya.
2. James 2000, 38.
3. Ibid., 39.
4. A nourishing fertilizer that Russia will need since it imports much grain.
5. Important in pharmaceuticals and gasoline.
6. Used in aluminum alloys, important in aircraft construction; also used in the making of explosives.
7. James 2000, 40.
8. Price 1998, 165.
Additional Notes
Magog is the ancient Scythia, near the Black Sea or the Caspian Sea; today this area is made up of former Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. There are more than 70 million people who live in that area today.
“Gomer” and “Togarmah” were located in what is today eastern Turkey. In Ezek 38:5 three additional nations are listed: Persia, Cush, and Put. Ancient Persia is modern-day Iran. The empire of ancient Persia extended into the area that is now Pakistan. In Ezekiel’s time, Cush was the nation to the south of Egypt (Sudan today). Put was the land to the west of Egypt (Libya today). “Sheba” and “Dedan” in Ezek 38:13 seem to be a reference to Saudi Arabia.
There are least six different views within premillennialism on the timing of this event. Right before the middle of the Tribulation for this event makes the most sense to me (when the Middle East ruler’s covenant is still in effect), but it is best not to be dogmatic about this.
For more information, please read my friend Andy Woods’ book The Middle East Meltdown: The Coming Islamic Invasion of Israel. Dispensational Publishing House, 2016.
Sources Used
James, Edgar C. Understanding the Prophecies of the Millennium. Chicago: Moody, 2000.
Price, Randall. Jerusalem in Prophecy. Eugene, OR: Harvest, 1998.