Feb 24, 2020 READING TIME: 1 MINUTE Luke 13:24 – If It’s Free, Why Would Anybody Need to Strive to Enter the Narrow Gate? Luke 13:24: “Strive to enter through the narrow…
Category: Luke
In Luke 17:21, is the kingdom “within you” or “in your midst”?
READING TIME: 3-6 MINUTES Feb 25, 2020 In Luke 17:21, is the kingdom “within you” or “in your midst”? Luke 17:20-21: 20 Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when…
Please expand on Christ’s comment to Zacchaeus that “salvation has come to this house.”
READING TIME: 1-2 MINUTES Please expand on Christ’s comment to Zacchaeus that “salvation has come to this house.” Luke 19:9: “And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house,…
Who were the sinners in Luke 15:1-2
August 2, 2019 READING TIME: 3-4 MINUTES David, who were the sinners in Luke 15:1-2 which led to the three parables? Christ gave the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin,…
Who are the avenged elect in Luke 18:7?
August 14, 2019 READING TIME: 1 MINUTE Who are the avenged elect in Luke 18:7? Whom does the Lord mean in speaking of the elect? It refers to the Jewish remnant during…
SATAN FALLING FROM HEAVEN LIKE LIGHTNING? May 30, 2019 READ TIME: 1-2 minutes “Dave, what did Jesus mean in Luke 10:18 when He said that He saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning?” Christ,…
DID JESUS SWEAT BLOOD? Apr 18, 2019 READ TIME: 1-2 MINUTES “David. Did Jesus sweat blood”? I realize that most people think Luke 22:44 says that Jesus sweat blood, but if you…