August 20, 2019
Psalm 2:7 – In What Sense Did Jesus Become a Son?
The Lord Jesus was always a Son in the Trinitarian sense. However, He became a son in a unique sense. “I have begotten You” points to the God the Father declaration of the Messiah’s Sonship (compare 2 Samuel 7:5, 14) as announced later by Gabriel (Luke 1:32), repeated at Jesus’s baptism (Luke 3:22), and substantiated by His resurrection (Acts 13:33; Romans 1:4). In the ancient near east, a king was considered “begotten” when he became a king. This unique Person of the divine Son is the basis of the confidence of God’s people in the Lord’s victory. Even though He does not yet rule from David’s throne, at that time He was begotten as the messianic King of Israel. All the kings of Israel were called sons of God and the Lord Jesus is THE Son of God.
Sources Used
Dillow, Joseph. Final Destiny: The Future Reign of The Servant Kings: Fourth Revised Edition. Grace Theology Press, chapter 10.
The Moody Bible Commentary. Moody Publishers.