Top Objections to Christianity Respond to “I don’t believe that God exists. How can anybody be sure? • Recognize that, logically, neither atheism nor agnosticism make sense. • Atheism requires complete knowledge…
Author: pcwaldvogel
Videos for Apologetics
Videos for Apologetics, compiled by David Brewer ANSWERING JEWISH OBJECTIONS ABOUT JESUS (YESHUA) – Dr. Michael Brown – Answering Your Toughest Questions with Dr. Michael Brown ANSWERS TO VALID CHALLENGES…
10,000 sq.m. of Partho-Sasanian Site in Susa Destroyed to Build a Hotel
10,000 sq.m. of Partho-Sasanian Site in Susa Destroyed to Build a Hotel 11 August 2008 LONDON, (CAIS) — The ancient city of Susa is renowned for its thousands of years of history…
Inscription: “Ben HaCohen HaGadol”
Israel Antiquities Authority Press Office A Fragment of a Sarcophagus was Discovered on which is Carved the Inscription: “Ben HaCohen HaGadol” Just before Yom Kippur – In Excavations along the Security Fence…
Excavated Jericho Bones May Help Combat Tuberculosis
Excavated Jericho Bones May Help Combat Tuberculosis Jerusalem, July 14, 2008 – Six-thousand year old bones excavated in Jericho may help a joint Israeli-Palestinian-German research group combat tuberculosis. According to Prof. Mark…
Excavations and Restoration work at Tel Lachish
Excavations and Restoration work at Tel Lachish Prof. David Ussishkin Fig. 1. Tel Lachish, from northwest The Site and the Excavations Tel Lachish (Tell ed-Duweir), the site of biblical Lachish, is one…
Find of Ancient City Could Alter Notions of Biblical David
October 30, 2008 Find of Ancient City Could Alter Notions of Biblical David By ETHAN BRONNER KHIRBET QEIYAFA, Israel – Overlooking the verdant Valley of Elah, where the Bible says David toppled…
First-Temple era tunnel found in Jerusalem
First-Temple era tunnel found in Jerusalem Oct. 29, 2008 Etgar Lefkovits , THE JERUSALEM POST A water tunnel dating back to the First Temple era – but that might have been used…