Apr 20, 2019
“Dave, what does Jesus mean when He refers to binding and loosing in Matthew 16:19”?
Matthew 16:19 – binding and loosing – In Matthew 23:4, 13, Christ accused the Pharisees and scribes of binding on earth what God had not bound in heaven. On the other hand, we know that the Sadducees were the rationalists of Judaism, who loosed on earth what God had not loosed in heaven. Psalm 119:89 affirms: “Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven.” This is the standard which Peter and the Apostles were to use in proclaiming the terms of entrance into the church. Christ was charging Peter and the Apostles to makes sure they did not fall into Pharisaic legalism in proclaiming the message, that is, making salvation’s terms harder than heaven’s standard. Nor were they to fall into Sadducean rationalization, that is, making salvation too easy and the door too wise. They must ‘tell it like it is.’
Peter was given the privilege, the authority by God, to proclaim the good news of the kingdom—by which entrance into the kingdom would be opened to many who accept it and shut to those who reject it.
Based on a careful look at the context, the keys to the kingdom of heaven have to do with Christ’s building of His church on earth—not what Peter supposedly does in heaven. In other words, Peter accomplishes on earth only that which has already been done in heaven.
Hitchcock, Mark. 55 Answers to Questions about Life After Death. The Crown Publishing Group, 142-143
Olson, C. Gordon. Getting the Gospel Right: A Balanced View of Salvation Truth, 135.