October 16, 2019 (this is an accidental repost from September 13, 2019)
David, does Acts 13:17 teach that God unconditionally elected certain people and He didn’t choose other people.
When Luke wrote that God chose the Jewish people and exalted them, he was not referring to God’s choosing them for eternal life. Rather, he was referring to their prosperity in Egypt where they multiplied and “grew exceedingly mighty; and the land was filled with them” (Exodus 1:7). God blessed them economically, socially, and politically.
Eternal life is freely given to all those who believe in Jesus for it (e.g., John 3: 16). Every Jewish person was elect by being Jewish. The whole Jewish nation was exalted, but not every individual Jew believed in Jesus and became born again (e.g., John 12:37). Eternal life and election are two different issues.
This verse teaches that God selected Israel’s forefathers in initiating the future existence of the physical nation of Israel. It says nothing about them receiving eternal life due to that choice, but it does explain the selection of physical men to perform a service of propagating the nation.
Sources Used
Badger, Anthony B. Confronting Calvinism: A Free Grace Refutation and Biblical Resolution of Radical Reformed Soteriology, 163.
Lazar, Shawn. Chosen to Serve: Why Divine Election Is to Service, Not to Eternal Life. Grace Evangelical Society.